All children are required to wear the correct uniform at all times. Most uniform items are available from
The Uniform Shoppe, located on 7A Glasgow Road, Pukekohe (next to Music Mania)
Phone 239 1310.
Girls: Green summer tunic. Black or brown sandals. The sandal must have a heel/ankle strap, and must be made from a durable material, no colour variations are allowed. Roman sandals remain an acceptable option.
Boys: Grey shorts (light weight) Short sleeved polo shirt with logo. Black or brown sandals. The sandal must have a heel/ankle strap, and must be made from a durable material, no colour variations are allowed. Roman sandals remain an acceptable option.
Please note: Crocs are not acceptable footwear.
Hats: All pupils must wear the official school sunhat with the summer uniform.
Girls: Green tartan pinafore/skirt. Years 0- 3 wear a pinafore. Year 4-6 girls wear a skirt at least knee length which is the same material as the pinafore. This year our Year 4 students have the option of wearing a skirt instead of a pinafore. A pinafore remains acceptable for our Year 4 girls this year.
White Blouse – Year 0- 3 girls wear a white winter weight school blouse and Year 4–6 girls wear a white school blouse which is a short sleeved blouse with a split hem.
White ankle or knee-high socks and black leather/waterproof school shoes.
Boys: Grey shorts (heavy weight), Grey Polo shirt with logo, long or short sleeved., Grey knee length socks and black leather/waterproof school shoes.
School Jersey/Polar Fleece: for boys and girls. This is a regulation green woollen jersey/or polar fleece. Alternative sweatshirts are not an option.
Polar Fleece Vest: Boys and girls may wear the school green polar fleece vest as an optional extra.
School Beanie: Terms 2 & 3 only Please note no other type of beanie or winter hat should be worn
Optional: Green ‘Stormdri’ Jacket with school logo. It is for outdoor use and is not permitted to be worn in class.
Year 6 Pupils may wear winter footwear for Term 4. Year 6 girls may wear the winter uniform for Term 4 if they wish.
A School Sports uniform is only required of Boys and Girls from Years 3 to Years 6:
Dark green shorts cotton or nylon. Polo Shirt- Green & Gold with logo on front. Sports uniforms are not compulsory in Years 1 & 2.
When representing the school students may wear dark coloured track pants for warmth with the school jersey/polar fleece, jacket or vest.
Children who attend St Joseph’s may not have their hair dyed any colour other than natural hair colours. This includes the use of products that bleach children’s hair. Hair must be off the face and tidy. If long must be tied back with dark green, dark brown, black or white hair ties. Fingernails are to be kept reasonably short and clean and no nail varnish on fingers or toes is permitted.
No Jewellery other than a watch and one pair of plain stud earrings, may be worn with the uniform.
Whānau who would like their children to wear Taonga are requested to advise the Principal to identify the wearer.
The Board of Trustees main concern continues to be safety and therefore it is recommended Taonga be removed
when students are involved in any sport. The wearer is responsible for the security of their Taonga.
A sensible way to mark clothes is – name, phone number. Lost property is kept in a box in the cloak bay by Room 3 & 4. Unclaimed clothes will be washed and given to the Second Hand Uniform shop.
Second Hand Uniform Shop
There is a second-hand uniform shop run by the PTA at the school. If you wish to purchase second hand uniform items this will be opened from 2.30pm – 3:00pm on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon’s. Please ask at reception.
** For health reasons, sun hats must be worn in the playground in Terms 1 & 4.