Māori Whanau

Kia ora Tatou

We have a small, but very dedicated Māori Whanau group that meets each term to discuss the opportunities and issues relating to our tamariki. Please note that the Māori Whanau group will meet at 3pm on Thursday Week 5 of each term. 


These are some words for waiata which the new members of the Kapa Haka group need to learn.

Te Atua – Click on the link to say our Father 

He Honore

He Honore he kororia

Maungarongo ki te whenua

Whakaaro pai e

Ki nga tangata katoa

Ake, ake, ake, ake,


Te Atua, te piringa

Toku oranga


Kia Tau

Kia tau Kia tatou Katoa

Te atawhai

O to tatou Ariki, a ihu 


Me te aroha o te Atua nui

Me te whiwhinga tahitanga ki te 

wairua tapu


Āke, ake amine 

Āke, ake amine
