School Attendance Dues
Term Three School Fees should now be paid.
Please pay your account in full at the beginning of each term, or by regular automatic payments into our account: ASB 12-3023-0338374-01 ref: student’s name
We would like all 2024 Attendance Dues to be paid in full before 30 November.
The Catholic Character Contribution is a voluntary contribution forwarded to the Catholic Education Services Board. The St Joseph’s Development Trust Contribution is a voluntary contribution which the Trust is extremely grateful to receive. This is used in our school for improvements to our site and facilities.
Both of these voluntary contributions are tax deductible.
School Start Time
Students are expected to be at school by 8:30 am. Teachers are not in class until 8:15 am.
Any children who come to school earlier than 8:15 are not supervised.
Second-Hand Uniforms
The second-hand uniform shop is open on Mondays and Thursdays 2:30-3:00 pm.
If we want the Second-Hand Uniform Shop to continue to run we need a parent who is prepared to come in on a Monday and or a Thursday. Please let the office know if you can help.
During the school holidays the uniform shop will be open Wednesday 9th October
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
In Term 4 students wear their summer uniforms. Lightweight grey shorts for boys with a short-sleeved school polo. A summer tunic for girls and black Roman sandals for boys and girls.
We expect all students to be dressed in their correct summer uniform by Labour Weekend.
New Enrolments
Now is the time to get enrolments in for next year, 2025. If you have a 4 year old child we would like you to come and collect an Enrolment Pack please. If you know of another family who is thinking of enrolling at St Joseph’s please let them know we need to hear from them now.
Enrolment documents can also be found on our website.
Knowing the number of new students starting in now assists us with our 2025 staffing allocation.
School Photos
Our school photos should be available after the school holidays. Please contact Masterpiece
if you have any queries, Phone 07 823 4306 or
As you know the government is placing a high priority on student attendance. At school we know the importance of children attending school daily, but did you know that even small bits of time off school can add up to significant amounts of time over their primary years of schooling? Check out the graphic below that shows the impact of different times away from school over the years at school.
Here are five ways that whānau can support their students in improving attendance.