Values Awards
Maia West: ARAHI: For showing leadership when she volunteered to go first in our team’s Proclaiming the Word competition. She is a wonderful example to others.
Liam Millar & Tilly Wilson: ARAHI & AKO: They have been coaching their peers in speech-writing. Tino pai!
Hifo Lolo & Loti Mamatuki: Aroha: always quietly helping out without being asked. They take great care of our environment.
Ongo Fakava: Aroha: For supporting younger students during Jump Jam, showing Aroha to someone who was nervous about doing Jump Jam and normally does not like to participate. But Ongo encouraged him in a loving way to join in and he did! Both of them were dancing, smiling and having lots of fun during our fitness.
Proclaim the Word Finalists 2024
Congratulations to this year’s Proclaim the Word Finalists. They will be participating in our school final this Friday and we wish them all the very best of luck.
Year 2: Caleb Hewitt, Aubree Knowles, Xanthe Kempthorne, Hannah Logan
Year 3 / 4: Maia West, Jake William, Lucy Watling, Destine Arthur, Sophia Hewitt, Desiree Fermin
Year 5 / 6: Leanne Domingo, Keith William, Renzo Johnston, Rosalinda Emelio, Marius Vicente, Aria Bal, Marjiam Pena (in absentia on Friday)
Caritas STOP IT! Challenge
This Friday 7 June, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart we will all be participating in the Caritas STOP IT! Challenge. This means we will have a day of no devices, so please don’t bring Chromebooks to school.
This is to walk in the shoes of those who do not have the privileges we have, in countries which Caritas supports.
All tamariki have been given a sponsorship form which they can hand these in to teachers on Friday morning.
For more information about the Caritas Challenge and the important work Caritas does, visit
Pentecost School-Assisted Mass
We were so proud of our tamariki on the Feast of Pentecost. They represented their cultures and our school with so much mana. The power of the Holy Spirit was indeed at work! Thank you to all whanau for supporting your children to participate in this very special Mass. Special thank you also to Davina West for her support with the music. Years 4-6 ākonga contributed lovely baking and raised over $600 for our Year 6 camp.

Bishops send latest NZ Synod consultation document to Rome: Towards October 2024
A new consultation document prepared by the bishops as part of the Holy Father’s Synod 2021-24 process has been sent to Rome.
This document, titled Towards October 2024, follows the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference being asked to establish a consultation process to discern responses to specific questions related to the Vatican’s Synodal Church in Mission report. That report was published after the First Session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, held in Rome last October.
National Catholic lay organisations, agencies of the bishops conference, religious, diocesan bodies, educational institutions, young people’s groups, parish groups and groups involved in previous synodal processes took part in the consultation, between February and April this year.
A statement about the document Towards October 2024 and the document, are online here:
St. Pat’s Kids Choir
We will be singing this Sunday 9 June at 10am Mass
New members wishing to join – email
Upcoming Practices: Wednesday 12 June & 26 June. No practices 19 June or 3 July.