SchoolDocs: Policies and Procedures
In Term 2 we are reviewing topics in the Governance and Management, Parents and Whānau, and Documentation and Self-Review Policy sections. Not all policies are reviewed by parents. This term parents are invited to comment on the following topics: Equal Employment Opportunities, Teacher Relief Cover, Safety Checking, and Police Vetting.
Click on the Current Review tab on the banner, scroll down to Term 2 review topics where you will find links to the policies being reviewed this term, read over the policy, then Start your review and submit your feedback. We consider all feedback given. This term’s policies will be approved at our School Board Meeting on 26th June.
Our next Board meeting is on Wednesday 22 May.
If you would like to contact the Board directly at any time, please do so through our email address schoolboard@stjosephs.co.nz

The St Joseph’s School Development Trust
The St Joseph’s Development Trust was formed in the 1990s. At that time the school did not meet the diocese’s criteria for funding the new school hall, so the school and parish community fundraised and built the hall themselves. The Trust was established as a mechanism to fundraise separately from the school and to build, operate and own the hall building.
Since that time, the Trust has funded through donations received from the school community, parish and benefactors, for other capital works. It operates to receive donations and assist when there is a shortfall in the funding for chosen capital works that are not funded by the diocese or the school board. This means that those capital works can be completed faster and to a higher specification because the Trust can provide some contribution towards the works when there are shortfalls from the diocese or MOE. Works that the Trust has assisted with in the past ten years, include the site development and beautification, structural changes to classrooms, additional steps up to decks, improved lighting, contributions towards playground, play and safety equipment, turf and shade sails.
The Trust also administers the maintenance of the hall and oversaw the repair work that was required as a result of the fire in the hall in 2017.
The current trustees are all ex-parents of St Joseph’s pupils. None of the trustees currently have children at the school. The trustees consider it vital that the Trust is representative of the school community and therefore that it has a representation of current parents as trustees. We are looking for parents who have experience or knowledge in various areas including building, engineering, site development, trust management, legal, accounting or government tender and policy work. Most importantly, we are looking for people who are community-minded and have the interest of our St Joseph’s School Community at heart. The Trust only meets 1-2 times a year in the evening, so it does not involve a large time commitment.
If you are interested please let our principal, Ursula Hall, know.
Our next St Joseph’s School Development Trust AGM and Trust meeting will be held at 6:30 pm, Wednesday 3 July, in the school boardroom.