Tena Koutou Katoa Talofa Lava Kamusta Malo e lelei Mauri Malo ni Faka talofa atu Namaste Greetings to all
Well, we finally made it! The end of another school year and such a significant one: a fun fair, a school centenary and the decapitation from a full-primary school.
The last two weeks have been full of celebrations for our Year 6-8 school leavers. As well as fun days, they’ve had retreats, celebration evenings with their whanau, a special assembly, and today’s end-of-year school Mass to acknowledge them a final time. I hope they will understand in the future how fortunate and blessed they have been as they have been farewelled from St Joseph’s School. It has been such a busy time. I want to acknowledge our staff who have been working very hard putting in a considerable number of extra hours to make this happen, and to the parents working behind the scenes assisting with so many events this term.
I want to especially thank all the parents of those children leaving, for their generous spirits and their contribution to the success of all of these events and others through their time with us. Some of our families are saying their final goodbyes after a significant association with St Joseph’s and we want you to know that we have valued these relationships. We wish all of you all the best for the future and maybe we will see you back here again in some capacity. It is lovely to see some of our past students bringing their children back to their primary school.
Yesterday we had a transition block when children were able to visit their 2024 class spaces and meet their new teacher. New children beginning our school next year were also able to attend. This morning we have moved our classes around in preparation for our new 2024 school year. This was necessary because of the number of children at different class levels and the availability of more classroom spaces across the school. It is a little like moving house but after all the dust has settled teachers are looking forward to working in their different teams and spaces next year.
This afternoon we will have our very special end-of-year Mass; our final celebration of the year, not just for our student leavers but all our children, our staff and our whanau. At the Mass, our school leavers will receive a gift (a cross) given by our PTA (you) to remember our Catholic school by. We will also be farewelling some of our staff who are moving on to other ventures: Lori Mravicich, Caroline Harrington, Vivian Ajiee, Upashna Nadan and Louise Archer.
Tomorrow is the last day that we will have Year 7&8 students attending St Joseph’s School. Our Year 6s are also moving on to their intermediate education and so we are looking at our current Year 5 students who will be our oldest students in 2024. Initially, that will seem a bit daunting however I know we will reset and, with support, these children will grow into our school leadership roles.
Lastly, I’d like to wish Lori Mravicich, our DP and friend, every blessing as she begins her first principalship next year. Although we are sorry to see her go, we know she will be amazing and hope Waiau Pa values her as much as we have.
I hope you all have a memorable and safe summer holiday. I’m heading to the northern hemisphere and winter to meet my new grandson (now 6 weeks old). Very excited. I am also looking forward to our new 2024 school year reset. It will be exciting to restart in a smaller setting and watch our school grow once again to capacity.
Blessings to you and your whaanau always.

A Final Farewell from Mrs Mravicich
Thank you for all the well wishes and words of support and encouragement that you have given me over the last few weeks. It has been a bittersweet last few weeks to say the least. Knowing each day and event is the ‘last’ at St Joseph’s has made me value every moment even more. This is a special place, and I have stayed at this school for so many years because I have loved coming to work every day, not many people get that opportunity. I have had the privilege of working under Mrs Hall’s great leadership and alongside some very talented and passionate staff; I feel very well prepared for my new position. Lastly, to the children at this school who have shown me so much love; you have the biggest hearts and give the best hugs. It has been an honour to be a small part of your children’s formative years and I look forward to hearing of their many accomplishments in the future.
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
— Maya Angelou
Thank you all for making me feel so loved while I have been at this school.
All the best,
Mrs M
