Pasifika Week
Yesterday, your child would have come home with a notice outlining all the events we have happening for our Pasifika Week celebrations in week 9 (Sept 11th to 15th). We encourage all our Pasifika students to wear their cultural dress for the week and on Friday, all children can come to school in mufti that showcases their heritage.
We welcome all our parents and extended whanau to attend our Pasifika/Cultural Day assembly happening on Friday the 15th at 11:15am in our school hall. We also invite you to attend our Cultural Shared lunch happening directly after the assembly around 1pm in your child’s learning spaces. Don’t forget to send back your chop suey lunch orders for Thursday and come along to hear our children compete in the Franklin Pasifika Speech Competition happening on Thursday in our school hall from 11am. Malo.
Term 3 Learning Conversations
During the next two weeks, if you have any questions about your child’s learning progress, you have the opportunity to book in a conference with your child’s kaitiaki/teacher. Alternatively, teacher’s will be contacting any parents they would like to speak with.
These conferences are by request of the parent or teacher. Some parents already keep in regular contact with their child’s teacher and may not require a set meeting at this time. These can either be face to face, through Zoom or Google Meets, or a phone call – whatever works best for you.
If you would like to request an appointment, please directly message or email your child’s teacher to arrange a time to meet/talk. Remember you can make an appointment to see your child’s teacher at any time, however, we have staff/team meetings after school on Monday and Tuesdays, so those times are unavailable. Remember to bring your child with you to be part of this learning conversation.
Second Hand Uniforms
The second hand uniform is open on Mondays and Thursdays 2.30 – 3.00pm.
As we move into our summer uniform in Term 4, please donate any uniforms your children have outgrown that are in good condition. There are a number of students leaving and many families have greatly benefited from these uniform donations over the years.
Girls in Year 6, 7 & 8 while it is still our preference that you wear your summer uniform, if you have outgrown your summer uniform you can wear your winter uniform until the end of the year.
School Class/Portrait Photographs
These should be available within the next 4-6 weeks. If you have any questions, please contact Masterpiece photography Ph: 07 823 4306
If your child, or someone you know, is turning 5 years old next year,
we need them to enrol at St Joseph’s School now!
Knowing how many children are coming helps us to plan ahead for our staffing.
Please contact the office