Basic Facts House Challenge
Well done to Chanel House for winning the first Basic Facts House Challenge, everyone in the house was rewarded with a huge make-your-own Ice Cream Sundae. As you can see from their faces, good day!
Netball House Challenge
It was a close call… but the teachers were able to take down Pompallier House in the Student/Staff House Netball Challenge, 8-7. I think there will be a lot of sore teachers tomorrow, but it was worth it to see the excitement on the children’s faces.

School Centennial 8-9 September
Registrations for our School Centennial are now open. Please fill in the form at the following link We look forward to reminiscing and celebrating with you.
Grandparents Day (TOMORROW)
On Friday 30th June we will be hosting our annual Grandparents Day. We would like to invite all of our grandparents to come and enjoy a special day with their grandchildren. Please join us between 11:30 and 1 pm to participate in some activities that we have organised for our children. The day begins with our Kapa Haka Matariki performance in the hall at 11:30 followed by an open morning in the classroom. At 1 pm, we will have a special light lunch in our school hall, provided by our PTA, to be enjoyed with your grandchild. After lunch, we invite all our grandparents to join us for a school Maori mass at 1:30 pm at St Patrick’s Church. Your child is most welcome to bring along another significant or special person in their life, if a grandparent is unavailable.

Movie Fundraiser for Winter Camp
Save the date for our fun night out at the movies, the Barbie Movie! No doubt this movie will bring back some memories and nostalgia. Anyone is welcome. Tickets will go on sale next week. Tickets will be limited so keep on the lookout next week for the order form.

School Speech Final
On Thursday, 22nd June, 11 Y5-8 students competed in our School Speech Finals. There were many topics from Why Failure is Necessary, to Why We All Need to Learn a New Language.
They were all thought-provoking and certainly convinced us of a lot of things.
A big congratulations to:
Meg Noble – ‘Cooking in Schools is Cool’ (Y5-6) and Rupert Archer – ‘Social Media is Hurting Society’ (Y7-8) won their categories. Runners-up were Evelyn Watling (Y5-6) and Annabelle Shields(Y7-8). The winners will now compete in the Franklin Speech competitions running this week. Year 5 and 6 competition took place at 7 pm at Pukekohe Hill School yesterday, Wednesday 28th June. Year 7 and 8 competition will start at 7 pm at Pukekohe Intermediate on Thursday 29th June (tonight). Meg, you spoke so well and represented your school wonderfully, so wonderfully that she claimed 2nd prize! The second-best speechmaker in all of Franklin! So proud of you Meg, and thanks to Mrs Mravicich and Mrs McArthur for supporting Meg last night! Rupert best of luck tonight, we are all behind you and super proud of your efforts.

The NZ Modern School of Music held their 44th Annual Counties
Music Competitions on 9 and 10 June 2023. The piano and keyboard students did extremely well and walked away with one trophy and numerous medals.
Alisa Cha won the Chloe Bryne Trophy after winning gold medals for all three items in her class.
The rest of the results for the 12-year-old age group were:
Dianna Fermin – two Gold medals and a Highly Commended certificate
Annabelle Shields – Very Highly Commended certificate and two Highly Commended certificates
Grace Fonseca – Very Highly Commended and a Highly Commended certificate
Results for the 10 and 11-year age groups:
Olivia Cha – two Gold medals
Isla Shields – a Silver medal and a Bronze medal
Jesrusha Sijo – Bronze medal
Evelyn Watling – Bronze medal
Ezra Jijo – Very Highly Commended certificate
George Vaughan – Highly Commended certificate
Results for 8-year-olds, 7-year-olds and beginners:
Adeline Shields – Gold medal and two bronze medals
Gabrielle Heaton – Gold medal and silver medal
Hana Aiavao – Gold medal and silver medal
Marjiam Pena – Gold medal
Leanne Domingo – 2 Silver medals and 1 Bronze medal
Lucy Watling – Silver medal
Desiree Fermin – Bronze medal
Olivia Arries – Bronze medal
Charlie Vaughan – Very Highly Commended certificate
Rene Barrington – Very Highly Commended certificate
Lita Aiavao – Highly Commended certificate
Jake William – Highly Commended certificate
Ashlyn Ephrem – Highly Commended certificate
Congratulations to you all!

Steam Club News
It was my first term as teacher of the STEAM club taking over from Mr Surrey. I had huge shoes to fill with all the knowledge and expertise he brought to this area. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed my term with our steamers. Our focus this term was looking at Makey Makey in conjunction with Scratch to create projects that the steamers were passionate about. We enjoyed learning how Makey Makey’s worked and what we could use them for. Thank you to the STEAM club for the enthusiasm and energy you brought with you every Wednesday afternoon.
A big thank you,
Mrs Egelmeer
Please note: Our Steam Club will retain the same students for next term. The students in LittIe Steamers will be contacted at a later date to confirm placement.

Franklin Bulls – Jamaal and Christian visit St Joseph’s School
We were so excited to have Christian and Jamaal from the Franklin Bulls Basketball team come in to visit us at school. They presented three students an award who show resilience, grit and determination just like Blitz the Bull! Well done to Kingston Persese, Isla Shields and Luisa Tesimale.