Community Health and Physical Education Consultation
According to the New Zealand Curriculum in Health and Physical Education students learn about their own well-being, and that of others and society, in health-related and movement contexts. At the heart of the Health and PE curriculum are the following four interdependent concepts:
Hauora – A Maori philosophy of well being that includes the dimensions of taha wairua, taha hinengaro, taha tinana and taha whanau.
Attitudes and Values – A positive, responsible attitude on the part of students to their own wellbeing; respect, care and concern for other people and the environment and a sense of social justice.
A socio- ecological perspective – a way of viewing and understanding the interrelationships that exist between the individual, others and society.
Health Promotion – a process that helps to develop and maintain supportive physical and emotional environments and that involves students in personal and collective action.
The Education and Training Act of 2020 requires the Board to consult with our school community in order to create a statement on the delivery of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum that meets the expectations of our community and the needs of our students.
Please share your thoughts with us by following the link below, which will help us to draft a Health and Physical Education plan that meets the needs of our students and school community. There will be a chromebook in the school office if you would like to complete the survey at school.
Lost Property : we have a large amount of clothing in the lost property box. It has been put out for students to look at several times but does not get any smaller. It will be displayed on Tuesday 20th June at lunchtime and will stay out until 3.10pm so parents can also check and see if there are any items that belong to their children. If it isn’t claimed it will be cleaned and put into the 2nd Hand Uniform Shop. Please note it is very important that you name your children’s school clothing. Some of the items have past pupils’ names on them and some are almost brand new with no name.
Aroha News
It has been another busy few weeks in Aroha. We have started learning about Probability in Math, justifying our mathematical ideas using a continuum from impossible – possible – certain (Tricky stuff!) We have also been learning a lot about important symbols that are special to our school and are learning about the past in preparation for our upcoming trip and centennial celebrations. Two of our classes were lucky to have Mrs Irwin take us on a special tour of the Church for our RE learning, where we learnt about special people and places in the Parish. Writing daily about our personal experience has been exciting, as we are learning how to use wow words and interesting vocabulary to describe what we did (like the awesome disco we just had)! Every day in Aroha brings new opportunities for learning and we are loving every moment. Tino Pai tamariki keep up the amazing learning in Aroha!

Ako 1
Ako 1 have been comparing school in the past to school today. We have learnt a wide variety of things from folk dances to how to code on the computer. We have also learnt about how Eupharise Barbier, the founder of the Mission Sisters, planted an oak tree near the Church. We then collaboratively created our own oak tree. We are looking forward to our visit to Howick Historical Village to see what school was like in the olden days.

Arahi News
Firstly, thank you to everyone who has been supporting our fundraising efforts. Our Year 7&8’s had a wonderful time hosting the school disco last week, and it looked like everyone had a wonderful time dancing, singing, eating and having a great time with their friends and teachers. Save the date for Friday 4th of August for the next one. Over the last two weeks the students have been learning about the changes in schools and technology over the last 100 years. Needless to say they have been shocked with some of the findings and are feeling quite grateful for the opportunities that they have at school nowadays. We look forward to sharing our work next term during the Centennial celebration. In maths, we have shifted our focus from working with fractions to statistics. The students have been very excited to work on their statistical inquiry collecting and presenting data using Party Mix Lollies…they may even get to try a few once the work has been completed.
A sample of some of the timelines.
School Disco

Kapa Haka
It is with great pleasure that we have opened up our Kapa Haka group to new students. On Tuesday we had over 60 students taking part in our Kapa Haka group. Our tuakana students supported the new children by teaching them the haka and the poi. We can’t wait for our next performance during Grandparents Day on the last day of term.