Tabloid Sports: This Friday we are celebrating St Joseph’s Day and holding our annual Tabloid Sports. This is a wonderful opportunity for all our tamariki from Year 1 to Year 8 to be involved in 8 tabloid activities. Each team receives house points which go towards our Tabloid Sport Trophy at the end of year prizegiving. Students from Year 1 – 6 can wear house colour mufti to school and Year 7 and 8 come to school in their uniform and get changed at school into house colours (they are attending Mass and a retreat that morning). Please ensure your child has a hat and drink bottle with them at school on this day. Parents and whanau are welcome to come along and watch and support our students. We aim to start at 12:40pm and will assemble on the top field.

2023 Parent/Child/Teacher Goal-Setting Conferences: Your child’s Interim reports will be going home Monday March 27th, with your child. We ensure that every parent is met to discuss your child’s interim report and to set goals for the remainder of the year so please take this opportunity to meet with your child’s kaitiaki/teacher.
We have scheduled our interview evenings for Thursday March 30th from 3-8pm and Tuesday April 4th from 3-5pm. Bookings will open this Tuesday March 21st beginning at 3pm using the same system as last year; by logging in to the website where you will be able to book a time and date that suits. This year we give you the option of booking to attend a conference In-Person, or via Video Conference using Zoom. Either way, we ask that your child be in attendance.
To book your appointment please sign in to and click on Make a Booking.
The booking code for our school will be bz7zm (case sensitive) and you will be able to make multiple bookings if you have more than one child at the school. Follow the instructions to choose a date and time that suits.
If you have any difficulties please contact the school office. We will also have a kiosk available in the school office for us to make a booking on your behalf if you do not have access to the internet at home.
If you have not made a booking using our online portal by Wednesday March 29th, then a time slot will be allocated to you by your child’s kaitiaki/teacher and sent home on Thursday. If the allocated dates/times do not suit you, please contact your child’s kaitiaki to set up an alternative time to meet.
Year 7 & 8 Winter Camp Fundraising
- Sausage Sizzle on Friday 17 March before we begin tabloid sports. Thank you for supporting our fundraising efforts.
- Easter Raffle – be on the lookout next week for advertisement about our annual Easter Raffle.
- Hot Cross Buns -next week we’ll have information on where to buy your hot cross buns that will support our school camp.
- Dominos Pizza Night – Mark WEDNESDAY 14 JUNE in your calendars for a family pizza night. For every pizza purchased on this night a percentage will go towards our school camp.
Staying Safe on Social Media: A nation-wide campaign to raise awareness of how everyone can stay safe on our Catholic social media platforms starts next Monday, 20 March. Check our Facebook, Instagram and other social media each day from Monday for tips on how to keep yourself safe. Details of the campaign are here:
Winter Uniform: From the beginning of Term 2 all students are expected to be in winter uniforms.
Girls: Green tartan pinafore/skirt. Years 0-4 wear a pinafore, Year 5-8 girls wear a skirt at least knee length which is the same material as the pinafore.
White Blouse – Year 0- 4 girls wear a white winter weight school blouse and Year 5–8 girls wear a white school blouse which is a short sleeved blouse with a split hem.
White ankle or knee-high socks and black leather/waterproof school shoes.
Boys: Grey shorts (heavy weight)
Grey Polo shirt with logo, long or short sleeved.
Grey knee length socks and black leather/waterproof school shoes.
School Jersey/Polar Fleece: For boys and girls. This is a regulation green woollen jersey/or polar fleece.
Polar Fleece Vest: Boys and girls may wear the school green polar fleece vest as an optional extra.
School Beanie: Terms 2 & 3 only. Please note no other type of beanie or winter hat should be worn.
Optional: Green ‘Stormdri’ Jacket with school logo. It is for outdoor use and is not permitted to be worn in class.
Scholastic book club: Issue 2 out today orders due back in on Monday 20th March. Thank you.
Roadworks Commencing: This week roadworks to improve our pedestrian crossing are starting on Seddon Street. This is a much needed project but it is going to cause us disruption for up to 8 weeks – realistically the rest of this school term.
Over this time, traffic (and pedestrians) on Seddon Street will be managed by road control and the front of our school will not be accessible for drop offs, pickups or parking. There will be a temporary crossing available, however, if you wish to park you will need to do so further away from the school –
There is no parking in the school car park – Staff only We suggest that over this time, for the safety of our students, parents use our Dublin Street entrances to drop off and pick up their children. We will know more as this project begins.
AKO 1 Writing
Ako 1 have written some great pieces of persuasive writing.

SCHOOL ATTENDANCE DUES FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial assistance is available to assist families who may need financial support with the payment of Attendance Dues for preference students attending both primary and secondary Catholic schools in Auckland Diocese.
Families facing financial difficulties can contact their school office, their Parish Priest, or Auckland Common Fund Ltd at the Catholic Diocese of Auckland on 09-360-3069 for further information.
Application forms for this assistance are available from school and parish offices,
or can be downloaded from the Catholic Diocese of Auckland Website: